Friday, June 17, 2011

Blueberry Picking!

I'm pretty sure one of the best things about living in the Triangle is the abundance of pick your own berry farms within a mere 15-20 minutes of I-40.  There's nothing that says late spring and summer like a freshly picked warm berry!!

Strawberry season has sadly ended, but starting this week blueberry season is in full swing!  Taking advantage of a day off, I headed this morning to Snikroc Farms, which is on Wake Forest Hwy, to pick a bucket of berries!

For only $2 a lb, they're much cheaper than the grocery store, and of course, being freshly picked, wayy tastier too!  If you want to check them out, their facebook page is here:  They have blackberries for picking too and I picked up a few tomatoes when I paid for my blueberries.  Definitely a great way to spend a Friday morning!